This Is Our Story
TechHelp4U, as a targeted domestic service offering, and as a website, is provided by Enlightened Solutions Ltd, which was founded in 2010. En-Sol Ltd has been providing technical services to companies and domestic clients in the Wokingham Borough area, and beyond by remote access, since then.

TechHelp4U.uk website was created in November 2018 to showcase the range of Services on offer to our current and future Domestic Clients.
Our clients normally come to us by word of mouth, or personal recommendation, but we saw a growing need to supply a broad range of domestic support services to the wider community.
Our clients come with a variety of issues, some small, some larger, we aim to meet that need with a flexible working process and provide the help and support that they require.

Who are you,
what do you need?
You come in all shapes and sizes, all ages and capabilities. But you all have one thing in common, you need help.
That help can be all shapes and sizes too. From setting up your email, to upgrading a computer, to getting you online so you can shop, but what most people need is help understanding, and learning, how to use all the tech you have. Your mobile phone, your tablet, your PC or Mac, all those Apps!, how many passwords and credentials!
People are expected to be computer and tech experts, but not everyone has the time, knowledge or experience to be an expert. That is where we come in, we don't talk down to you, we don't make you buy things you don't need, we help you with what you have and recommend those things that you may not have but need.
But the choice is up to you.