We help people understand and get the most out of their Tech.
Mobile Devices - Laptops, PC's, MAC's - Apple, Android, Microsoft
Online Accounts - Banking - PayPal - Shopping - Social Media
Smart TVs, Streaming, Gaming Devices - Smart Homes - Etc
Upgrading - Buying - Fixing - Networking - Using - Learning How to..

Here to Help.
Know what you need? Contact Us.
Not sure, have a look below at our Services Overview or click the link to our main Services Page.
Want to learn how to do something check out our Learning Page.
If you are not sure what you want, Contact Us we can help.

You need help fast?
Don't sit there worrying
Don't sit there wondering
Just ask us, that part is free!
Need more info - FAQs-999HELP
If it's urgent leave a
contact number
We'll get back to you ASAP
Special Wi-Fi Services
Does your Wi-Fi or internet connection make you feel like a Caveman or Cavewomen? Call Us.
Are you still using the router your Internet Provider supplied?
Want a better option? Email Us.
Having problems streaming movies or just connecting to the internet?
We can help.
Have a question? Contact Us.

Protecting you, your tech, your data, your privacy and your family
while getting online.
Don't let terms like "Virus", "Malware", "Ransomware",
"Scam Emails", "Phishing", "Vulnerabilities", "Zero Day Attacks", "Adware", "Botnets",
and "Spyware" scare you.
Have the right systems, software, protection and processes in place and enjoy your tech and the internet.
From Email to Online Banking & Apps, Amazon to Ebay, Snapchat to Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype we can help you setup, get synchronised, and navigate the Online world of Accounts and Credentials
(Password managers really help!)

Using tech to watch what you want, do what you want, where you want, in your lounge, on the move, on a plane, in the park, on a beach!
Device getting slow? Why not try
a Refresh/Wipe and start again
Apple, Android, or other
we can help sort it out
Getting a new device ? and need to
transfer all those apps and data ?
Now you need to get
connected again as well
Password managers can help,
so can Data backup/syncing
Better to have that in place first

Don't lose your data, your important photos. Take control, have access, share with others and protect it

Whether you are an Apple, a Microsoft, or an Android person we can help with your hardware, get you connected and onto the internet. Where feasible we can also help upgrade and fix issues, but understand it depends upon the device. Box computers and some laptops, yes, most others devices an upgrade means a new device!
We can help you learn How to.. deal with your Tech, from the hardware to the software, Online accounts
and all those Apps!
Yes, we can take the load,
or help you to DIY that Tech.
We can take it much further with a Tailored course on - Basic computer and device skills, to using Word/Pages and Excel/Numbers like a pro, your choice

Who are TechHelp4U.uk?
see our About Us Pages.
Want more than an Overview?
see our Services Page
Want to learn about your Tech?
see our Learning Pages.
Don't see what you want or need?

Contact Us
Reach out, we’d be happy to hear from you.
If you call and we can't answer leave a contact number.